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Spiral Brush

Inverted Coil Steel Spiral Brush for Descaling

Material: steel wire,galvanized steel
Brush size: 100~3000mm in length, 1meter standard
We custom-make this type spiral brush for descaling as requirement.
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    Inverted Coil Steel Spiral Brush for Descaling
    Spiral brushes with inverted coils are an effective tool for easy cleaning duties such as removing residual scales, powder drawing compounds, dust, and other by-products of the production process.
    Spiral brushes for descaling is mostly used in industries of 
    - drawing dies
    - wire drawing industry
    - wire descaling
    The length of this spiral brush is normally made in 1meter long with 30 spirals. 
    Available materials include synthetic fiber and steel. Steel spiral brushes will be used to remove scales contaminants from wire rope surface, nylon spiral brushes are used to remove contaminants and also spread lubricant evenly.
    Please provide us the brush size and material that you require for your application or contact us for more information.

    Advantages of steel spiral brushes:
    1. low investment cost
    2. very versatile & proven tool
    3. easy handling
    4. stainless steel frame
    5. application wet and dry
    6. can be cut to the required length
    Please submit your basic information, we will contact you as soon as possible!





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