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How To Clean Your Engine

The exterior of the engine must be kept clean and beautiful. It is very important to ensure operation. Here is how to take care of the appearance of the engine to avoid damage to the engine due to various oxidations.

The first step
Cover the car electrical appliances with a plastic film, and then cover the film with a semi-wet towel to prevent high-pressure water from rushing into the distributor, making it difficult to start the car; use a high-pressure water gun to move the engine room and Clean the attached dirt on the exterior of the engine; directly spray the external cleaner of the engine evenly on the wetted engine and around the engine room, use a plastic wire brush to clean all the parts in the engine room that can be reached in the shop, and quickly rinse it with a high-pressure water gun brush off the dirt.

The second step
Then spray the engine exterior cleaner on the surface of the engine. The operation steps are the same as above, repeating until the exterior of the engine is cleaned. Finally, dry the cleaned engine with a semi-wet towel, and use a vacuum suction air dryer to keep the hands out of reach The place is soaked dry, then air-dried, the plastic rubber parts inside the engine room are polished with plastic rubber protective agent, and then the metal parts are plated.

Note: 1 When cleaning the surface of the engine, the dirt should be quickly washed off before being air-dried, otherwise, a semi-moist towel should be used for construction. 2. When cleaning metal parts on the surface of the engine, metal polishing agents can be used for cleaning, but plastic or rubber parts are not allowed to use this method. 3. The cleaned engine should be thoroughly air-dried before starting. 4. Before the engine is polished and coated, the wet parts should be coated on the surface. After the moisture under the protective agent evaporates, the protective agent will also evaporate. 6. After the construction is completed, the appearance of the engine shall be inspected and remedial measures shall be taken for the missing places.