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Flexible Brush Strip

Huixi Brush Manufacturer supply a wide rage of custom brushes including industrial brushes, and machine guarding for all types of brush seal applications and industrial machinery. Our brush seals, brush laths, metal channel strip brushes, disk seals, ring seals, staple set brushes, cup brush seals and cylindrical coil brush seals reduce the movement of air, restrict smoke and fumes, screen out the noise and static and dampen vibrations. Flexible brush strips are available in thousands of standard or custom configurations to control like noise, chips, light, dust, vibration, air, coolant mist, and temperature.

Flexible brush strip is a flexible metal-free brush designed to reduce the cost of hardware associated with metal constructions. Huixi flexible strip brushes are flexible, lightweight and resist chemicals providing greater options for designing to required applications. 

Specifications of the bottom of the brush: 3 * 3mm, 4 * 4mm, 5 * 5mm, 6 * 6mm, 7 * 7mm, 8 * 8mm. The wire diameter, material and height of the hair are unlimited.